For a better future

Sustainability is a path that society as a whole must walk together, but it is the public and private actors who must take the lead. A business committed to its surroundings is the only way to ensure a more egalitarian society and a sustainable environment in the medium and long term.

Texture of forest background

A journey to travel together

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria are a philosophy that companies must adhere to in order to strive for the sustainability of their environment. They do not consist of arbitrary criteria for action, but of a way of understanding business activity.

We are a digitally native technology company committed to the ESG guidelines. Our DNA includes the responsibility to ensure that we operate in a way that is responsible for everything around us.

Each person who uses Bigle per year* saves an average of:

Drawing of a tree

165 kg

of wood

Drawing of a water drop

16,200 L

of water

drawing of a cloud

450 kg

of CO2

Drawing of a trash can

12.5 kg

of waste

As a paperless company, we offer a disruptive product that transforms the way all companies work and eliminates the need for paper in all legal document processes. We are in a constant internal and external effort to support sustainability by contributing to the saving of raw materials and company resources.

Social environment.
We are part of society and, as such, we try to have a positive impact. We win together, we learn together, and we celebrate diversity. We are an international company that is committed to cultural inclusion and is committed to gender equality from our governing bodies.

Corporate governance.
We are a transparent company committed to sustainable and responsible development. We are devoted to strict regulatory compliance, and we make our platform a tool for corporate governance.

*Taking into account that it does not print paper and that, on average, a person consumes 50 kg of paper per year in the office.

To learn more about our ESG philosophy, we invite you to visit our blog

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